School Guidelines

Con­duct and Behav­ior: Wor­ship in Islam is divid­ed in to two broad cat­e­gories. Wor­ship to Allah, (1/3 of Islam), Deal­ing with each oth­er (2/3 of Islam). The gist of Islam is to have an excel­lent character.

Dis­ci­pline Pol­i­cy: Guide­lines and rules for the pro­gram will be explained to your child. Rough con­duct, dis­re­spect to teach­ers, use of pro­fan­i­ty, or any oth­er unde­sir­able act will not be tol­er­at­ed and will result in dis­ci­pli­nary action and, if nec­es­sary, removal from the program.

Class Room Man­age­ment: Food or drink, chew­ing gum and can­dy is not allowed at school. Elec­tron­ic devices such as cel­lu­lar phones, tablets, toys etc. are not allowed dur­ing the school. Cel­lu­lar phones if brought must be put in silent mode pri­or to enter­ing the class room and can only be used in emer­gen­cies. Stu­dent not­ed to be mis­be­hav­ing or non-com­pli­ant with teacher’s instruc­tions is sub­ject to par­ent teacher con­fer­ence or con­fer­ence with the Prin­ci­pal and/or removal from school.

No Bul­ly­ing Pol­i­cy: Zero tol­er­ance, No Bul­ly­ing Pol­i­cy is strict­ly enforced to main­tain a safe, order­ly envi­ron­ment for all students.

Arrival and Dis­missal: We urge that all stu­dents, vol­un­teers, and teach­ers arrive by 10:30 a.m. The school is dis­missed at 1:45 p.m. The Iqamah for Zuhar salah is called at 1:45 p.m. Zuhar Salahis manda­to­ry for stu­dents and par­ents. stu­dents must be picked up imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the Zuhur salat. The school admin­is­tra­tion will not be respon­si­ble for stu­dent not picked up by 2:15 p.m.

The Dress Code: All par­tic­i­pants at Islam­ic Sun­day School at Islam­ic Cen­ter of Greater Mia­mi are to com­ply with the fol­low­ing dress standards.

The dress must be in con­for­mi­ty with the Islam­ic requirements:

  • Male Par­tic­i­pants: Loose, mod­er­ate cloth­ing (No Shorts)
  • Female Par­tic­i­pants: Loose, mod­er­ate cloth­ing with head covering.

Text Books: Stu­dents are required to bring the text book and class mate­r­i­al to the class. Par­ent assis­tance is required to ensure that the child brings the book and the class room sup­plies to the class. All stu­dents must bring the nec­es­sary school sup­plies (fold­er, paper, pen­cil etc.) in a back pack.

Atten­dance: Your child suc­cess at Sun­day school is depen­dent upon reg­u­lar and con­sis­tent atten­dance. A few hours each week are not enough to cov­er Islam­ic Edu­ca­tion. It is in the best inter­est of our stu­dents that they should not miss a sin­gle school day. If a child is absent for three or more con­sec­u­tive weeks, then the student’s progress and pro­mo­tion will be affected.

Home­work: Home­work is essen­tial to the edu­ca­tion­al process. It pro­vides oppor­tu­ni­ties for devel­op­men­tal prac­tice, for enrich­ment activ­i­ties, and for devel­op­ment of study skills and self-dis­ci­pline. Home study assign­ments are not giv­en to intro­duce new work, but to rein­force skills which have been taught pre­vi­ous­ly in the class­room. Par­ents can do their part to improve home­work when they coop­er­ate with the school to do home­work effec­tive. Pro­vide your child with suit­able study con­di­tions. Reserve a time for home­work and turn off the tele­vi­sion. Show inter­est in what your chil­dren are doing, but do not do the work for them.

The Cur­ricu­lum: The Islam­ic Stud­ies uses one of the best cur­ric­u­la m from “Week­end Learn­ing Series” for pri­ma­ry instruc­tions along with addi­tion rel­e­vant mate­ri­als. Our aim is not just to com­plete the cur­ricu­lum rather incul­cate a good moral and behav­ior, in our stu­dent in order for them to devel­op per­son­al­i­ty that they become use­ful mem­ber of the com­mu­ni­ty, assist and treat each oth­er with respect.