Conduct and Behavior: Worship in Islam is divided in to two broad categories. Worship to Allah, (1/3 of Islam), Dealing with each other (2/3 of Islam). The gist of Islam is to have an excellent character.
Discipline Policy: Guidelines and rules for the program will be explained to your child. Rough conduct, disrespect to teachers, use of profanity, or any other undesirable act will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action and, if necessary, removal from the program.
Class Room Management: Food or drink, chewing gum and candy is not allowed at school. Electronic devices such as cellular phones, tablets, toys etc. are not allowed during the school. Cellular phones if brought must be put in silent mode prior to entering the class room and can only be used in emergencies. Student noted to be misbehaving or non-compliant with teacher’s instructions is subject to parent teacher conference or conference with the Principal and/or removal from school.
No Bullying Policy: Zero tolerance, No Bullying Policy is strictly enforced to maintain a safe, orderly environment for all students.
Arrival and Dismissal: We urge that all students, volunteers, and teachers arrive by 10:30 a.m. The school is dismissed at 1:45 p.m. The Iqamah for Zuhar salah is called at 1:45 p.m. Zuhar Salahis mandatory for students and parents. students must be picked up immediately following the Zuhur salat. The school administration will not be responsible for student not picked up by 2:15 p.m.
The Dress Code: All participants at Islamic Sunday School at Islamic Center of Greater Miami are to comply with the following dress standards.
The dress must be in conformity with the Islamic requirements:
- Male Participants: Loose, moderate clothing (No Shorts)
- Female Participants: Loose, moderate clothing with head covering.
Text Books: Students are required to bring the text book and class material to the class. Parent assistance is required to ensure that the child brings the book and the class room supplies to the class. All students must bring the necessary school supplies (folder, paper, pencil etc.) in a back pack.
Attendance: Your child success at Sunday school is dependent upon regular and consistent attendance. A few hours each week are not enough to cover Islamic Education. It is in the best interest of our students that they should not miss a single school day. If a child is absent for three or more consecutive weeks, then the student’s progress and promotion will be affected.
Homework: Homework is essential to the educational process. It provides opportunities for developmental practice, for enrichment activities, and for development of study skills and self-discipline. Home study assignments are not given to introduce new work, but to reinforce skills which have been taught previously in the classroom. Parents can do their part to improve homework when they cooperate with the school to do homework effective. Provide your child with suitable study conditions. Reserve a time for homework and turn off the television. Show interest in what your children are doing, but do not do the work for them.
The Curriculum: The Islamic Studies uses one of the best curricula m from “Weekend Learning Series” for primary instructions along with addition relevant materials. Our aim is not just to complete the curriculum rather inculcate a good moral and behavior, in our student in order for them to develop personality that they become useful member of the community, assist and treat each other with respect.