Sunday School: In person Class Schedule 

10:45 a.m.1st Peri­odIslam­ic Stud­ies: Sir­ah / Sun­nah of the Prophet Muham­mad (SAW), Fiqh, Aqi­dah and Ibadah, Islam­ic Eti­quette and Islam­ic History. 
12:15 p.m. Lunch Break Stu­dents must return to the class prompt­ly at the end of the break. 
12:45 p.m. 2nd Peri­od Quran­ic Stud­ies: Read­ing, Mem­o­riza­tion and Tajwid of Hol­ly Quran. 
1:45 p.m Azan Pre­pare for Salah. 
2:00 p.m. Iqa­ma Zuhar PrayerStu­dents at their par­ents dis­cre­tion can attend Zuhr prayer or leave pri­or to the prayer due to COVID.

Sum­mer School: In per­son Class Sched­ule

NAZIRAH PROGRAM: Class Sched­ule for Mon­day, Tues­day and Thurs­day 

10:30 a.m.1st Peri­odRecita­tion with Tajwid rules
11:45 a.m.BreakStu­dents must return to the class prompt­ly at the end of the break 
12:00 p.m.2nd Peri­od Mem­o­riza­tion with Tajwid rules
1:00 p.m.3rd Peri­odIslam­ic Studies:(Mon: Prayer, Dua and Azkar, Tues Islam­ic eti­quettes: Thurs: Seer­ah of the Prophet SAW)
1:30 p.mAzanPre­pare for Salah
1:45 p.mIqamahZuhr Prayer


NAZIRAH PROGRAM: Class Sched­ule for Wednes­day 

10:30 a.m.1st Peri­odRecita­tion with Tajwid rules
11:30 p.m.2nd Peri­od Mem­o­riza­tion with Tajwid rules
12:30 p.m.BreakStu­dents must return to the class prompt­ly at the end of the break 
12:45 p.m.3rd Peri­odCre­ative Learn­ing / Arts and Crafts / Out­door Activ­i­ties / Home Economics 
1:30 p.mAzanPre­pare for Salah
1:45 p.mIqamahZuhr Prayer


HIFZUL QURAN PROGRAM: Class Sched­ule:Mon­day thru Thurs­day

10:30 a.m.1st Peri­odMem­o­riza­tion
12:00 p.m.BreakStu­dents must return to the class prompt­ly at the end of the break 
12:15 p.m.2nd Peri­odMem­o­riza­tion / Islam­ic Studies
1:30 p.mAzanPre­pare for Salah
1:45 p.mIqamahZuhr Prayer