Registration Process

Alham­dulil­lah, by the mer­cy of Allah Sub­hanahu Wata­la, the Islam­ic Sun­day School at ICGM will resume its in per­son class­es at ICGM for this school year. Parents/guardians are required to take the fol­low­ing steps to com­plete the reg­is­tra­tion. 


Return­ing stu­dents: If the chil­dren were reg­is­tered either in the Sun­day School in the last school year or Sum­mer Camp at ICGM. reg­is­tra­tion form is not required. Please note that if a new sib­ling of a fam­i­ly is join­ing the school then a reg­is­tra­tion form for that sib­ling is required and must be com­plet­ed. Please pay the required fee (Online only) to com­plete the reg­is­tra­tion process. We encour­age par­ents to pay the fee in full at the begin­ning of the school year and save $27.00. Month­ly fee pay­ment option is avail­able for those who can­not afford to pay year­ly. 


New Stu­dents: If the chil­dren were not reg­is­tered either in Sun­day School in the last school year or sum­mer Camp at ICGM. Please fill out the reg­is­tra­tion form and pay the required fees (Online only).  We encour­age par­ents to pay the fee in full at the begin­ning of the school year and save $27.00. Month­ly fee pay­ment option is avail­able for those who can­not afford to pay year­ly. 


Fee waiv­er: If you can’t afford to pay fee, please con­tact the admin­is­tra­tion, and request fee waiv­er by email at [email protected] 


The First Day of the Class: Par­ents are advised to com­plete the reg­is­tra­tion online and pay the required fee pri­or to the beg­ging of the school. Report at 10:30 am at ICGM and school staff will direct the reg­is­tered stu­dents to the appro­pri­ate class. Unreg­is­tered chil­dren can­not be dropped in by the par­ents direct­ly in the class, such chil­dren will not be allowed in the class to con­tin­ue until their par­ents ful­fill the reg­is­tra­tion require­ments. 


Fee Sched­ule: Fee includes reg­is­tra­tion and text­books  


    Num­ber of children  1 2 3 4
Per Month $30 $55 $75 $90
Year­ly Total $270 $495 $675 $810


Pay Year­ly and save  $27

Year­ly Total, Fee paid in August / September 

$243 $468 $648 $783