Sunday School

10:30–10:45Assem­blyManda­to­ry for all students
10:45–12:00Liv­ing IslamIslam­ic Stud­ies; Sirah/Sunnah of the Prophet Muham­mad (SAW), Fiqh, Aqi­dah and Ibadah, Islam­ic Eti­quettes and Islam­ic history
Manda­to­ry for all students
12:00–12:30LunchHealthy Lunch with Islam­ic Etiquettes Stu­dents must return to the class prompt­ly at the end of the break time.
12:30–13:45Qur’aan­ic StudiesRead­ing, Mem­o­riza­tion, TajwidManda­to­ry for all students
13:45AdhanPrepa­ra­tions for Dho­har SalahManda­to­ry for all stu­dents and Parents
14:00IqamahEstab­lish­ment of Dho­har SalahManda­to­ry for all stu­dents and Parents