Conduct & Behavior

The gist of Islam is to have an excel­lent char­ac­ter. When the prophet(SAW) was asked who is the best per­son? his reply was ” The one whose hand are tongue no one gets hurt.” In fact, Islam empha­sizes more on Aklaqiy­at (Eti­quette), (2/3 of Islam) than Ebadiy­at (Wor­ship to Allah), (1/3 of Islam)..

As such, Islam­ic Sun­day School is com­mit­ted to enter­tain­ing Islam­ic con­duct and expect all stu­dents to behave accord­ing to the teach­ing of Quran and Sun­nah. Stu­dents are expect­ed to show respect for them­selves, for oth­er stu­dents, and for their teach­ers so that each class­room has a cli­mate in which opti­mal learn­ing can take place.