
Home­work is essen­tial to the edu­ca­tion­al process. It pro­vides oppor­tu­ni­ties for devel­op­men­tal prac­tice, for enrich­ment activ­i­ties, and for devel­op­ment of study skills and self-dis­ci­pline. Home study assign­ments are not giv­en to intro­duce new work, but to rein­force skills which have been taught pre­vi­ous­ly in the class­room. Par­ents can do their part when they coop­er­ate with the school and ensure that their child com­pletes the assigned home­work. Pro­vide the chil­dren with suit­able study con­di­tions. Reserve a time for home­work and turn off the tele­vi­sion. Show inter­est in what your chil­dren are doing, but do not do the home­work for them.