Unforeseen Circumstances

Par­ents are advised that they should not bring their chil­dren to the school if they become sick. The health and phys­i­cal well-being of all our stu­dents is a mat­ter of great con­cern to us. In case a child gets hurt or become ill dur­ing school hours, par­ent will be noti­fied and they must arrange to pick up the child right away.

Admin­is­ter­ing or dis­pens­ing of med­ica­tions (includ­ing aspirin) to stu­dents by staff with­out spe­cif­ic autho­riza­tion by a licensed physi­cian or the par­ent of the stu­dent is forbidden.

Islam­ic Sun­day School and the Mus­lim Com­mu­ni­ties Asso­ci­a­tion do not pro­vide insur­ance cov­er­age for unfore­seen inci­dents and will not assume the respon­si­bil­i­ty in case of acci­den­tal injury to a child. The par­ents are encour­aged to acquire their own insur­ance if they desire such protection.