Islamic Studies

The Sun­day school uti­lizes Week­end Learn­ing Series, Islam­ic Stud­ies, Lev­el K thru Lev­el 11–12” as a text­book for pri­ma­ry instruc­tions. This series offers one of the best Islam­ic cur­ric­u­la, which have been adopt­ed by more than 1500 school world­wide with a near­ly a mil­lion copies sold.

These text­books meet the broad objec­tive of the prin­ci­ples and val­ues of Islam with focus on human val­ues, tol­er­ance, mod­er­a­tion, peace and vol­un­teer­ing. Should you desire addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion on these text­books, please vis­it

Quran Tajwid class­es are also offered, and oth­er books and rel­e­vant mate­r­i­al is uti­lized on as need basis.

The school aim is not just to com­plete the text­books rather incul­cate a good moral char­ac­ter and behav­ior, in our stu­dent for them to devel­op per­son­al­i­ty that they assist and treat each oth­er with love, respect and dig­ni­ty and become a use­ful mem­ber of the society.