Sunday School Registration


Type the num­ber of chil­dren or use the arrows to indi­cate the num­ber of chil­dren being registered. 
5 years is the min­i­mum age required at the time of admission.
5 years is the min­i­mum age required at the time of admission.
5 years is the min­i­mum age required at the time of admission.
5 years is the min­i­mum age required at the time of admission.
5 years is the min­i­mum age required at the time of admission.

I under­stand that the Mus­lim Com­mu­ni­ties Asso­ci­a­tion of South Flori­da (MCA) and the Islam­ic Sun­day School Staff at ICGM can­not be held liable or assume the respon­si­bil­i­ty in case of acci­den­tal injury to my child. If I desire pro­tec­tion, I will acquire my own insurance.

I here­by autho­rize Islam­ic Sun­day school at ICGM to post pic­tures on school web­site that may con­tain images of my chil­dren that are record­ed or pho­tographed at school events by par­ents, guardians, staff etc. or shared in school What­sApp group.

Use Touch screen or Mouse to Sign